
Wordpress VS Blogger which one is Better For you ? |Lafandar.org

I have often asked by  most of the new bloggers why do bloggers migrates from blogger to wordpress. In this article, we will do a WordPress vs Blogger comparison to help you decide which one is better for your needs. We will cover all WordPress vs Blogger pros and cons, so you can make the best decision when it comes Blogger vs. WordPress as a platform for your site.Kept in mind while reading this article this comparison is between blogger and wordpress.org not wordpress.com.

1. You are Real owner

We all know that Blogger is subsidiary of Google Inc's this mean they had all the control of blogger. It is upto Google how long they are going to run blogger.They can shutdown Blogger like most of their services such as Orkut, Adsense for feeds.They can also restrict you access for blogger any time.This means yo are running a blog but you are not the actual owner.

While Wordpress.org is open source program. It depends on you how long want to run a blog and when to shut down.

2. SEO Functionality

Blogger is a fine tuned service with very limited tools allowing you to perform only specific tasks on your website. The things you can do on your blogspot blog are limited, and there is no way you can extend them to meet a need.

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WordPress is an open source software, so you can easily extend it to add new features. There are thousands of WordPress plugins allowing you to modify and extend the default feature set such as adding a store to your website, creating portfolio, etc.
When comparing WordPress vs Blogger for business websites, then WordPress is hands down the best long-term solution for any serious business owner.

3.Blog Portability

Moving your site from Blogger to a different platform is a complicated task. There is a significant risk that you will loose your SEO (search engine rankings(, subscribers, and followers during the move. Even though blogger allows you to export your content, your data will stay on Google’s servers for a very long time.

Using WordPress, you can move your site anywhere you want. You can move your WordPress site to a new host, change domain name, or even move your site to other content management systems.

Also if you compare WordPress vs Blogger SEO, then WordPress offers way more SEO advantages.

4. Security

On Blogger your content is secured via Google robust technology.You don’t need to worry about managing your server’s resources, securing your blog, or creating backups.

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WordPress is quite secure, but since it is a self hosted solution you are responsible for security and backups. There are plenty of WordPress plugins that make it easier for you.

5. Future of your Blog

Blogger has not seen any major update since a very long time. We have seen Google kill their popular services such as Google Reader, Adsense for feeds, and the possible demise of FeedBurner. Future of Blogger depends on Google, and they have the right to shut it down whenever they want.

WordPress is an Open Source software which means its future is not dependent on one company or individual . It is developed by a community of developers and users. Being world’s most popular content management system, thousands of businesses around the globe depend on it. The future of WordPress is bright and reassuring.

Conculsion :- So I recommend all the blogspot user to shift to Wordpress as they have better SEO options , great plugin and tools to offer.
Wordpress VS Blogger which one is Better For you ? |Lafandar.org Wordpress VS Blogger which one is Better For you ? |Lafandar.org Reviewed by SAAN on बुधवार, नवंबर 04, 2015 Rating: 5
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