
How to Build a Niche Site That Brings in at Least $500/Month ?

How many times have you thought about (or even started) building a niche website with dreams of making thousands of dollars in passive income each month?

If you’re like most people trying to make a living on the internet, the thought has probably crossed your mind at least once, if not thousands of times.

For me, this idea of the niche site is one of the most fascinating anomalies on the internet.  It’s one of the hardest, yet stupidly easy things you can do online.

The steps to building a successful site that pulls in at least $500 a month are extremely straight forward, yet most people come at it from an angle of trying to game the system – they’ve lost before they even reached the starting line.

Sure, there are people out there who make hundreds of thousands of dollars off crappy niche sites and products – but most of them have some serious technical, spam, and SEO skills that let’s face it, we don’t have.

So we’ve gotta come up with a better way, you know, one that actually helps people.

Niche Site Quick Start

This is the longest post I’ve written in a year.  I go into detail about what to do and why to do it.  Don’t have time for that?  Here’s the 14 step, quick start, Cliff’s Notes version of my strategy for building a niche site. If you have questions about something, then quit being lazy and read the rest of the article.

Still have questions? Leave a comment.

Step #1: Write out as many niche site ideas as you can, using your interests as a starting point.

Step #2: Narrow down niche based on the following criteria:
  • Wide array of products you can review and discuss
  • Higher price, lower volume
  • Are there affiliate programs with good commissions?

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  • Are people currently making money?
  • Could you write 100 articles on the topic?

Step #3: Setup your site using this tutorial

Step #4: Start creating content.  Here’s a good outline to get you going:

Write 5 articles reviewing 5 of the most popular items in your niche
Write 3 in depth tutorials on your niche (How to _______)
Write 3 list posts


Step #5: Sign up for affiliate programs relating to your niche

Step #6: Do keyword research to find 5-10 of the best key terms/products to try and rank for

Step #7: Install Yoast SEO for WordPress and do on site SEO for all posts and pages. Also review “The Backlinking Strategy that Works.” Some of this borders on the spammy realm, but pick and choose what you like.  I used a lot of these general concepts when I got going with my first niche site.

Step #8: Create a list of friends and colleagues to email and tell about your new site

Step #9: Setup social media for the site: Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest

Step #10: Sign up for HARO.

Step #11: Make a list of all large blogs and syndicated publications you’d want to be featured on.

Step #12: Start contacting previously listed blogs and websites offering guest posts or story ideas.

Step #13: Create a high quality pdf or email series to collect email addresses. Add to site.

Step #14: Repeat Steps 4 and 12, while continuing to build your social media channels and links for SEO.

There you have it, 14 steps to a niche site that will make you at least $500/month.  Want to actually learn how to do this? Then keep reading.

How to Build a Niche Site That Brings in at Least $500/Month ? How to Build a Niche Site That Brings in at Least $500/Month ? Reviewed by SAAN on रविवार, नवंबर 01, 2015 Rating: 5
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