
How to republish older posts without annoying Google ?

The main reason behind republishing the older post is blog readers some of the readers are new and you want to show them some great content, but republishing the older posts on a blog will create duplicate content on the blog and you will be drop down in Google's ranking. 

So the question arises, How to republish an old post without annoying Google.
How to republish older posts without annoying Google ?

Why republish an older post?

1. New Blog readers.

2. Great content in past.

3. Page-views .

4. Trending content.

These are the some common reasons anyone wants to republish the older posts.As no. of  new readers has been increasing and you want to show them great content in the past. Referring to the same post via hyperlink may be a great but.

 How an older post can be shown on the top of blog's home. Here are the some few steps you can follow to republish the post.

2.On the left side find the post tab.

3. Find the post you want to republish and click on edit.

4. In the right side Click on Publish on > Change the Date and time as shown in the picture.


This the best method I have found yet to republish the old post if you have tried another methods comment below. The drawback is the comments done in the past. New readers may find it annoying also that how anyone can go back years to comment. This can solve via changing the title updated or republished. This is SEO friendly and I have already tried on lafandar.org  and it doesn't affect the Google ranking in any manner.

Your comments are valuable to us. If you have some queries regarding the same you are always welcome in the comment section.
How to republish older posts without annoying Google ? How to republish older posts without annoying Google ? Reviewed by Ankita on शुक्रवार, नवंबर 06, 2015 Rating: 5
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