
3 Rules and 6 Ideas to Earn More From Mobile Traffic

3 Rules and 6 Ideas to Earn More From Mobile Traffic

More than 75% traffic to any blog comes from smartphones through search. So as an blogger you had to understand how important mobile is for your blog today wil become more critical tommorrow.

It doesn't matter what you are blogging about you can blog about sports news, sell products online or even you can review a book or gadget whatever you are interested. Most of the users worldwide uses internet on mobile so the essential component to engage users with your blog is great user experience when they visit your blog on mobile.

According to a research 61% of the users leaes a site quickly if it is not mobile friendly. It is also an fristating experience when users expect to find the information thay are looking right away, but are greeted with obstacles to obtain the same information. This is what causes users to abondon the site right away. We have created 3 rules and explained 6 ideas that will help you to create mobile friendly site and earn more from mobile.

To create a mobile-friendly site, follow these three rules:

1. Make it fast :- Research shows that 74% of people will abandon a mobile site that takes more than 5 seconds to load.

2. Make it easy :- Research shows that 61% of users will leave a mobile site if they don’t find what they're looking for straight away.
Be consistent across screens. Make it easy for users to find what they need no matter what device they're using.

3. Understand the analytics :- It's also important to think about your ads when you're designing or fine-tuning your mobile-friendly site. Focus on creating a flow between your content and your ads for the ultimate user experience and maximum viewability. Consult your analytics data and set events to track and understand where your users are most receptive to ads.

Here are some mobile-friendly ad best practice tips:

1. Swap out the 320x50 ad units for 320x100 for a potential RPM increase.

2. Place a 320x100 ad unit just above the fold or peek the 300x250 -- that is, place a portion of the ad unit just above the fold (ATF).

3. Use the 300x250 ad unit below the fold (BTF) mixed in with your content.

4. Prevent accidental clicks on enhanced features in text ads by moving ad units 150 pixels away from your content.

5. Consider using responsive ad units, which optimize ad sizes to screen sizes and work seamlessly with your responsive site.  

6. Test your site. Pick the metrics that matter most to you – then experiment with them.

The ad experience on your site should be designed with your mobile users in mind, just like the site itself. 
3 Rules and 6 Ideas to Earn More From Mobile Traffic 3 Rules and 6 Ideas to Earn More From Mobile Traffic Reviewed by Ankita on सोमवार, जुलाई 18, 2016 Rating: 5
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