
How much Adsense Unit are Allowed ? Lafandar.org

Few weeks ago someone asked me how much adsense unit I can place on single page. Most of the  people using adsense will say 3 ahhh !!! that's not true . Yesterday same question I received in my mail by "Anuradha Vashist" .

Well, I will say there are basically three types of Adsense units are available as "Adsense for Content", "Adsense Link Units" & "Adsense for the search".I have seen the website placing the 8 units. 

So How much Adsense Units "Anuradha Vashisht " can place?

Everyone who is using can have maximum 8 adunits for single page:-

1. Adsense For content :- 3 Units
2. Adsense Link Unit  :-   3 Units
3. Adsense for Search:-  2 Units
                            Total:- 8 Units

Yes this is truth of Adsense unit place policy. You can have maximum 8 adunits placed on a Single page.So how to differentiate between them , and how to place :-

1. Adsense for content :-

You can place a maximum of three content units.Content units are available in following sizes:

728 x 90, 468 x 60,234 x 60,
125 x 125, 120 x 600, 160 x 600,
 180 x 150, 120 x 240, 200 x 200,
 250 x 250, 300 x 250, 336 x 280

Personally, I have found 336 x 250 and 250 x 250 to be very effective.

You can use ads from multiple publisher IDs, but the total number of content display ads should not go beyond three.

2. Adsense-Link-Unit :-

AdSense link units perform really well when blended with your theme and placed above the fold. I tested this by placing it in the Navbar, and it turns out to be a top performing ad unit.

Link units are closely targeted to the interests of your users. Because users directly interact with the ad unit, they may be more interested in the ads they eventually see.
You can place a maximum of three link units on a page.
You can find the various sizes for AdSense link units here.

3. Adsense-for-Search :-

You can add up to two AdSense-for-search units on a page. For a big website, AdSense-for-search units perform really well.  If you have not yet set up AdSense-for-search units, you can read our guide on How to Set Up Adsense for Search.

You can read more about the maximum number of allowable AdSense ad units on the official blog post.

As always, feel free to share this post with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
How much Adsense Unit are Allowed ? Lafandar.org How much Adsense Unit are Allowed ? Lafandar.org Reviewed by SAAN on शुक्रवार, दिसंबर 04, 2015 Rating: 5
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