How to Sell your websites, Domains and Apps on Flippa | Lafandar
If you are working online from a long time you must be familiar with website flipping(process of selling & Buying websites for profit). Flippa is a market place for buyers and sellers not only well established sites but you can also sell domain names and ios apps. You can also sell your startup websites which aren't making money till date. Flippa was founded by Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz in 2009 and has traded over $140 millions in website , domains and apps.
It is not as easy you put your website on Flippa and you got million dollars by midnight in your Paypal account .But one of the success stories about Flippa I heard is the domain sold by buy now price for $250,000 USD.
But for that you have to present your Blog to buyers in the right way by which they can get a brief Idea about your blog and its other Statistics.
1. Signup :- The first basic step is signing up for the marketplace.Provide your valid E-mail account as e-mail is the first communicating methods via these market place. You should regularly check your mailbox for offers also.
2. Provide Website Details :- Get in front of buyers looking for websites like yours by categorizing it accurately, and letting them know how long the website has been live.For this Flippa has pre-categorized some commonly categories like Blog,E-commerce,Review,forum,app and also provide the valid month when yoursite went live.(This will be checked)
3.Traffic Information :-Showcase the traffic your site receives, by connecting your auction with Google Analytic. Flippa will fetch 12 months worth of data for Yoursite. Flippa do not store your details.It can be done by allowing the Flippa app to collect your Google Analytics Data.If your website is new check the box " My Website Receives No Traffic".
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4.Is your Website Generating Revenue :-If your site is generating revenue, let buyers know what monetization methods you’re using like adsense, E-commerce, Amazon Affiliation,Ad Sales, Dropship.
5.Details about your Website (The Pitch) :-Attract attention to your listing by detailing all the great things about your site. Include any impressive facts and figures and use words that you think your buyers would search for when looking for listings like yours.Add Tagline, Summary and description about your website.
6.Next is Sale :- Buyers on Flippa value websites based on their current revenue and traffic. A website with stable revenue can be sold for anywhere from 10-24x the monthly profit. By default bidding starts at $1, but you are under no obligation to sell until your auction hits the reserve.
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7.Verify and Launch :- Before your sale can proceed, you need to verify ownership of the site. Flippa provide two different methods of verifying site as "Adding TXT records" and "adding meta tag". You can choose which one suits you.
How to Sell your websites, Domains and Apps on Flippa | Lafandar
Reviewed by Ankita
गुरुवार, नवंबर 19, 2015