
Importance of Article submission for higher PR | Lafandar.org

In my previous post How to build backlinks? I have discussed what are backlinks and their importance for SEO. As I have discussed how to build backlinks on your website, but when coming to build backlinks on web there are some high PR sites which gives great exposure to your article and generates good traffic. 

As in the beginning like most of the bloggers I also neglect the power of the article submission to high PR sites, I also tried all methods to increase page views and page rankings but this was not enough until I tried article submission.

So what to keep in mind before article submission ?

For startup bloggers you have to pay attention to the originality of the content as you are going to submit to the sites most of them have manual moderators. Manual Moderators checks the spammy content and even for the copied content. So be careful with the quality of content, as your content may be removed after the submission.

Give Attention to Grammer

Always check for spellings and grammatic mistakes in your article. It may be the reason for the  unapproval of your article. If you are not too good in English or not have enough time you can this online grammar checking tool here.

Finding High PR Sites for submission was very time consuming for me yet I have created a list of sites where you can submit your articles for backlinks.

Reddit is the best Article submission site II have found you can choose to submit  as text post or simple link
On Examiner you can post article on your blog type as news ,music ,video
Technorati is a company of advertising technology specialists working toward rewarding the creators of great content. To accomplish this, we build tools and services that accelerate publishers’ programmatic revenues as well as makes partnering in programmatic easier and more effective. Technorati’s core product, Contango, provides publishers with tools to go after this fast growing programmatic market and the trend towards Header Bidding.
The Free Library Podcast is an easy way to participate in the author events and lectures that take place at the Central Library.
If your site is based on How to do things then E-how is the answer.
Squidoo is a community Web site platform that allowed users to create pages, called "lenses," which could then be used to sell products for profit or charitable
Suite101 was a collaborative publishing site based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Buzzle.com is abuzz with information on diverse topics ranging from animals to tourism. It's your complete source for articles and categorized information.
This is basically a news publish website.
HubPages is the best place to discover and create original, in-depth, useful, media-rich articles on topics you are passionate about. All for free.

So dear bloggers these are the top 10 high PR sites to submit articles but don't forget to keep in mind that use original content not copied. As most of thesewebsites are strictly to article submission. I would suggest you to create an informative article 500-1000 word long so that you can get the reward. 

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Importance of Article submission for higher PR | Lafandar.org Importance of Article submission for higher PR | Lafandar.org Reviewed by Ankita on गुरुवार, अगस्त 18, 2016 Rating: 5
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