
How to Use Social Media to Create SEO success ?

With the ease of Internet all over the world , E-commerce and Online Advertising are growing as fast revenue markets if you are reading this post you might aware of search engines working process and how do search engine delivers the result.SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience.

The Internet is full of articles and tricks that interplay between Social media and SEO, but the best way I have found to make social media work toward SEO is to use it the way it is already being used.Many brands use social media to build a brand, deliver great customer service or develop relationships. You can use these same focuses to have a significant effect on SEO as well.

Build your brand through social media for SEO

While the size and reputation of the brand are not direct ranking factors, they can have an indirect effect on SEO efforts. Use your social presence to improve your branding to have this positive effect on SEO.

Have FootPrints on Social Media 

Overall, people are more likely to link to a page on a site they know and trust. Having a strong and active social following can instantly create credibility to help gain these links to your content.

Another direct way having strong engagement on social media can help SEO is the simple fact that your tweets and shares are going to get in front of more eyes and are thus more likely to get links.

Use social media to improve customer service

Today, customers go online to make complaints or ask questions about a product. There are many companies responding well to this, which results not only in improved customer satisfaction but in SEO success, too.

Use social media to really “wow” the customer. There are many large brands that have been doing this well. Not only can this build your following, but it can also amplify your reach and even build links.

One example of this is Delta Hotels. When one customer went to Twitter to point out the poor view from his room, they stepped in and went above and beyond to try to make it a positive experience for him. In the end, he was so wowed that he ended up writing a blog post about it, giving that location a link.

You can also use Twitter to answer questions that are unrelated to complaints and carry those Q&As over to your site. Once you have seen a question come up a few times, answer it on your site. You can then reply to tweets with a link to the answer.

Remember, you don’t have to answer questions specifically asked about your business. For example, if you are a home improvement contractor, you can write content that answers questions related to renovations you find on Twitter. Not only can this content garner traffic from the users you respond to, but it is a great opportunity to rank for non-branded keywords in the search.

Ask for comment

With a decent following on Twitter, you can promote content and not only drive traffic but also ask for comments and feedback on your posts. This will create more content on the page, potentially increasing the likelihood of ranking for long-tail queries. If the comments are made within the social media platform (which often happens), update the post to feature the best comments, and let the commenters know.

Final thoughts

Overall, I don’t see simply posting to social media as a way to achieve strong results in sustained organic traffic; but by leveraging social media platforms well, you can contribute to the long-term success of your SEO efforts.
How to Use Social Media to Create SEO success ? How to Use Social Media to Create SEO success ? Reviewed by Ankita on गुरुवार, जून 09, 2016 Rating: 5
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