
How to redirect Page Not Found page to the other

How to redirect Page Not Found page to the other :- When a page has been indexed in Google SERP, then the page is deleted from the website or blog people who goto the page via search will see a message page not found, so they close the Page Not Found and will search again. So why not to show some thing more interesting to them.

How to Redirect Not Found Blogger to Another Page

1. Just Copy the Following Java Script 

<Script type = "text / javascript">yukita_redirect = setTimeout (function () {window.location.href = 'http: // URL OF THE PAGE';}, 10);</ Script>

Change URL OF THE PAGE with URL of the page you want to show .For Example :-

<Script type = "text / javascript">yukita_redirect = setTimeout (function () {window.location.href='http://www.lafandar.org/p/about-me.html';}, 10);</ Script>

2. After That Go To Blogger> Search Prefereces>Errors and Redirections > Custom Page Not Found > Paste the Copied Script.

3. Try Searching www.yourwebsite.com/404 if successful as soon as page not found will appears the browser will open new page as set in settings. Hopefully this will helpful.
How to redirect Page Not Found page to the other How to redirect Page Not Found page to the other Reviewed by Ankita on शुक्रवार, जून 24, 2016 Rating: 5
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