
How to make money from blogging | Characteristics of professional Blogger | Lafandar.org

As  a part time blogger from last two years in Feb 2015 I quit my job and started full time blogging. I was being aware of Adsense and other affiliate programs what I was not sure it will really work for me or not. So I purchased a domain Lafandar.org from Godaddy. First 3 months were uphill battle for me.As earning something from the articles was my necessity. So for new bloggers and web owners I created a list of methods how they can earn from their blogs. At present there are lots of companies who offer the advertisement partnership program, but the best from last one and half decade is Google Adsense as they have great payout rates.

How to choose right advertisement partner ?

Yes of course Adsense is the best advertisement partnership program yet, but you might be aware of selling ad space this is as simple as create a niche website get on good traffic ranking approx. 50000 page views a month sign up for buysellads.com and sell some space on your blog. Google Adsense is not good for small blog and they will pay you if you reach at payout limit i.e. $100 which is not easily achievable.

So What are the characteristics of great blogger ?

Are you crazy about blogging then don't think about making money from it for at least 4 months. Be a regular writer, write as much as articles on your niche. A great blogger should have following qualities:-

1. Passion for blogging 

 A blooger should be passionate about blogging. Money should not be in his mind in any way. Write as many articles as you can publish them look for great keywords right SEO. Try to write something new search for something new. Research remix and publish follow the RRP model of blogging.

2. Consistency

If you want your blog to be recognized as a household name, you better be consistent at providing quality content on a regular basis. The most popular blogs, according to Technorati, maintain that consistency by posting more than once a day. Granted, these are typically publications that have a staff of writers at their disposal, but they are like the newspapers of the blogosphere and readers have come to expect frequent updates. Blogs like Mashable and Gizmodo offer a consistent stream of stories every single day.

Blogging numerous times daily isn’t necessarily a necessity for blogs just starting out, nor is it feasible for most blogs, especially those who don’t blog for a living but for a hobby. Bloggers like Valeria Maltoni of Conversation Agent, who don’t have a team of bloggers at arm’s length, offer content on a very regular basis (in Valeria’s case, 6 days a week). You don’t necessarily have to pump out content hourly or even every day, but if you want to be a successful blogger, you should try to stick to some sort of schedule. If your readers are expecting content from you weekly, you should deliver weekly content. If your readers expect content from you daily, skipping a day might cause worry or the decision to unsubscribe because neglected content may inadvertently translate to neglecting your readers too.

3.SEO Knowledge

Having basic SEO knowledge is a plus for any blogger.  Bloggers who understand the benefits of good keyword research, how to promote content, and maximizing the potential of each post, will gain a larger readership in a shorter amount of time.  I would also imagine that at some point you will want to monetize your blog, by offering products or ad space.  Bloggers with SEO knowledge typically have experience in monetizing blogs

4.Social Butterfly

Generally bloggers spend a good amount of time on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.  Being active on various social networks and engaging with people on a regular basis will help bloggers get noticed.  If you are consistently promoting other users content, those users will begin to notice and return the favor.  If you read other industry blogs and leave thoughtful comments or even personally contact the blog owner, this is all important for building your network and getting noticed.

A plus for a great blogger would be being a power user on social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon and Reddit.  If you have the ability to promote content and others in the community notice and promote it as well, that gives you more power to leverage these sites for traffic.

5.Strong Work Ethic

Having a strong work ethic turns good bloggers into great bloggers.  Someone that is able to stick to a schedule, exceed personal goals and expectations, and push themselves, will stand out from the crowd.  Usually bloggers are self-motivators because many of them do not see any type of direct financial impact.  Many bloggers are writing for their own blog so it is not exactly a situation where they are getting paid for each post they write.  So it takes a person with a strong work ethic to see the long term benefits and keep pushing themselves to consistently produce great content.


Instructional blogs don’t just give you insights. They actually hold your hand to get it done. Blogs in this category include DIY (do-it-yourself) blogs, such as MAKE or Instructables, or recipe and cooking blogs.

I’ve said in the past that informational videos and how-to content are extremely spreadable. The idea behind this is no different. If people in your community seek you out so that they can learn something new, they’ll follow and they’ll spread the ideas to others too. I see Lifehacker regularly sharing DIY content sourced from several blogs because the content is educational and enriching.

I also come across really savory recipes that just beg a share. And it’s pretty incredible to see how the content across some of these instructional blogs intersects across different online communities. I learn about these new blogs mostly outside the “social” space because they do the hand-holding from start to finish, and as such, they often cater to a wider audience. This is the kind of content that spreads beyond the typical blog reader to an entirely different group of people.

7. Enjoys Sharing and Helping

Great bloggers genuinely enjoy helping others.  Many bloggers blog because they want to showcase their knowledge in the industry.  Of course that is part of why people blog, but it should not be the only reason.  Gaining satisfaction out of helping others in your industry is a trait that all great bloggers have.  Taking the time to personally reach out to someone asking a question or for thanking someone who leaves an intelligent comment on your blog is going above and beyond.  It shows that you do care about what others are saying, not just blogging to try to earn a buck.

8. Organized

A great blogger should be very well organized.  Especially bloggers who write for a number of different blogs, it will be important to plan and manage your writing schedules.  Like running your own business or planning your week for your full-time job, blogging should be no different.  Brainstorming blog ideas, creating a writing schedule, and content promotion all need to be organized to maximize your work schedule.

If you fly by the seat of your pants (as many people do) and are disorganized, it will most likely lead to inefficiencies in your blogging.  You can also find yourself so consumed with daily tasks, that your content quality suffers because you are just trying to rush through the writing process to get something out.

9.Writing Background/Experience

Of course, if you have a writing background or you have acquired good writing skills through years of experience, it will help keep your posts engaging and more enjoyable.  Using proper grammar, descriptive verbiage, and compelling headlines can keep readers engaged in your content longer.  I think overall if you are naturally a good writer, it will allow you to create high-quality content much easier and more efficiently.

10.Goes Against the Grain

To be a great blogger you need to sometimes go against what everyone else is doing and do something that is away from “the norm”.  Coming up with unique ways to stand out from the crowd is a way that great bloggers get found.  It could be a post, design-related, new way of promotion, unique content delivery, or something that has never been done before in the industry.
How to make money from blogging | Characteristics of professional Blogger | Lafandar.org How to make money from blogging | Characteristics of professional Blogger | Lafandar.org Reviewed by SAAN on शुक्रवार, अक्टूबर 16, 2015 Rating: 5
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