
Best CPM Ad network to Join Today | Lafandar.org

CPM means cost per thousand, i.e. cost of 1000 ad impressions on a web page. If a website publisher charges $1 CPM this means advertisers have to pay $1 for each 1000 ad impressions. For me CPM is the best ad pricing method because the success of an ad campaign can not measure by CTR (Click through rate) only as an ad that is viewed but not clicked had an impact.

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best cpm ad network

Why Website publishers like CPM ad networks ?

Web site publisher like CPM method because they get paid for displaying the ads. The other ad network are CPC and CPS in CPC ad network you get paid, if someone clicks on the ad while in CPS (cost per sale) the revenue is shared of the item sold by the monotized link.



Technorati  gives you different ad images format. Minimum payout criteria is $20. They offer you four kinds of payment that is PayPal, account credit, check or wired transferred.Getting into Technoratimedia is not as tough as tribal fusion. Though you might not enjoy the dashboard of Technoratimedia and support of it. But none the less, it’s one of the best CPM ad network which you can try as an alternative to Tribal fusion.

CPX Interactive

CPX interactive is an ad network which provides ads in different size and types of advertisements like banner (468×60), leader board (728×90), Skyscraper, Pop-ups etc. You can select the one which suits your needs and blend with your blog layout. CPX interactive minimum payout is NET 30, $50 and they have 60% payout percentage.

Burst Media

Burst Media only approve the blogs having 25,000 monthly page views or 5,000 monthly unique views. They provide different ad formats like scroll banners, leader boards, skyscraper and pop-ups with different size. Minimum payout is $50 and they pay you through cheque or Paypal.

Tribal Fusion

Tribal Fusion require minimum of 500,000 unique users per month. When I checked out their site requirements for publishers, I found it too be very strict. Apart from that, their minimum payout is $50 in net revenue. They pay you with check through mail. So far, Tribal fusion is one of the best CPM network available. Getting into Tribal fusion is the toughest of all. But if you get lucky enough, you can make huge income from Tribal fusion alone.

Value Click Media

Value Click Media is another CPM network which requires 3,000 impressions per month for getting the blog approved. Even they have different size and types of advertisements like CPX network. The minimum payout of Value Click Media is $25 and they pay through cheque and PayPal. Value click media is a good alternative for those who can’t get into tribal fusion or Technorati media.

These were few CPM advertising networks which I found worth considering . Do share with us which CPM advertising network gave you good results?
Best CPM Ad network to Join Today | Lafandar.org Best CPM Ad network to Join Today | Lafandar.org Reviewed by Ankita on शनिवार, अक्तूबर 17, 2015 Rating: 5
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