
How to Make Money with Youtube ?

With 500 million youtube channels right now makes 1-2 million dollars every year. But some of the youtube  channel doesn't come close to $100 ,so the question is how much you can make with youtube ?


Being a YouTube partners for 21 days, here is my understanding of the topic. Off course I can’t reveal my income stats (against Google policies) but can give you a fair idea on how to calculate YouTube income of any person. 

So the question is how people make money from youtube ?

Google runs a revenue sharing program called Adsense for YouTube. The company show ads on your videos and you receive a percentage of revenue from advertisement.

Although not confirm, it’s believed that the split is 55-45. So if an advertiser pays 100$ for ads, Google take 45$ for providing you hosting and other stuff while you get 55$. Fair enough!

From where google show ads on youtube videos ?

Google shows ads from its Google adwords program. There are basically two types of video ads :-

1. Pre roll ads :- This is the 30 seconds video clip shown before the original video.For this kind of ad you get earning only if the users watches the full ad clip with out skipping.

2. Banner Ads :- This is kind of banner  that is displayed on the bottom or either on the top.

So how much Money you can make from 1000 views ?

With all my experinence i can say that  a monotized video with  1000 views can give you $2 ( $0.25 -$4).

However, there are many variable involve like views, video content, playback location, subscribers etc. Lets us understand them one by one.

Monetize Views More views not always means more revenue. YouTubers get paid for number of ads that were played on their video. If visitors use Adblocker or watch it on other website, then lesser ads will be served. And thus less money.

Playback location Advertiser from the country like US, UK pay more as compared to advertiser from Asian countries. For instance, a video having 1000 playbacks from US may earn more than a video having 5000 playback from India.

Subscribers mean authority. Advertisers pay more to a channel having lakhs or millions of subscribers.

Niche What type of advertiser you are targeting.

Normal or Premium YouTuber An average YouTubers get only 55 percent of their revenue. However premium YouTubers with millions of are partner with MCN network, and usually get more CPM and even negotiate the split. Though it’s not confirmed yet.


There are many factors involve on how much money can you make from YouTube. But general rule of thumb is:

Remove the last 3 digits of view and multiple the remaining figures from $1-5 depending on the above metric. Usually, it is $1.6.

For instance, if the video has 7, 000,000 views then it’s earning would be between 7000-35,000$. In most case around $10k.

I came across this awesome video on how much a money YouTubers make. It says, Revenue = Views * .001375. When I applied this to my earning, I was the results were extremely close.

To find monthly views for any YouTube channel, use Social blade.
How to Make Money with Youtube ? How to Make Money with Youtube ? Reviewed by Ankita on बुधवार, सितंबर 30, 2015 Rating: 5
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