
What made my Google Adsense account approved in just 1 Month ?

Last one year 3 times rejected from Google now they gave me the opportunity to enter the Adsense. It was a hilarious experience of one year for me. I tried all the tips and methods suggested by people over the internet for one year, Let me tell you there is no hidden tricks or method to enter to the AdSense. 

So I can suggest some tips by which you can also own an Adsense account in just 1 month:-

1.Quality Content: - Avoid copying content from other blogs as whoever publishes the content first get cached first and your chances to get to google search are less.By Quality content, I just mean the valuable information should be unique. Don't made your article weird in any means, keep your language simple and easy to understand.You can check Copyscape for content originality.

2.No. of Posts: - Last one year I had searched a lot for how many post should be required before applying to Adsense, many minds many answers, but exactly once your blog got cached you don't need to worry about the number of posts. While writing, articles keep in mind that 2 of your article should have near about 2000 words.

3.Type of Domain: - Getting approved for a blog spot from Adsense is not easy in  countries like India and  other Asian countries. Before applying to Adsense buy a top level Domain name,  from the top level domain, I mean www.lafandar.blogspot.in to www.lafandar.org

4. Create the page about me: - As the visitors on your blog always want to know who you are. Google Adsense also check the About page or the information about the website owner. Show the About page link on the Homepage or write a niche of website or of you.Linking with your social media accounts may also be helpful.

5. Don't Get Paid Traffic: -Don't pay website to have traffic because Google Adsense verfies the actual traffic to your site as found so your account might be got rejected.

What made my Google Adsense account approved in just 1 Month ? What made my Google Adsense account approved in just 1 Month ? Reviewed by SAAN on रविवार, सितंबर 20, 2015 Rating: 5
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