
Make money with snapdeal.com affiliation Programme


Snapdeal.com is one of the largest online marketplace in India, headquartered in Delhi. The company was founded by Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal in February 2010. Now company have 20 million resister users and 20000 sellers. Snapdeal.com also launch  its mobile app by which user can access snapdeal.com on their mobile. You can find here various product like  Mobiles & Tablets, Computers, Laptops & Gaming, TVs , Audio/Video & Movies, Cameras, Lenses & Accessories, Appliances, Men and WOMEN CLOTHING, Footwear, Sunglasses, Bags & Accessories, Watches, Jewelry & Gold Coins, Perfumes, Beauty & Gifting, Home, Kitchen & Furnishing, Sports, Fitness & Health, Kids: Toys, Clothing, Baby-care, Books, Stationery & Hobbies, Automotive, Furniture & Fixtures etc. Now snapdeal.com has launched its own affiliate program like flipkart and amazon.

Commission rate structure of snapdeal.com affiliate 

snapdeal commission structure, lafandar.org, lafandar,

When any one purchase from snapdeal.com through your affiliate link, you will get commission 10% of selling price. Maximum commission you can earn Rs.400 for selling one product.

All payment are made by snapdeal.com  through Electronics Fund Transfer. There are no minimum amount for the commission to be paid. Your commission amount will credited to your bank account during final payments.

How can you become snapdeal.com affiliate partner?

Click on this link for sign up and give details your name, address, email id, Bank Account Number, Beneficiary Name, Bank Name, IFSC Code, PAN Card Number,Name of website where snapdeal.com links would be promoted. For become a snapdeal.com affiliate partner you should have a website or blog. If you have no blog or website and interested to create your own blog or website you can read my another article ” How to create your own blog or website”.

How to do after sign up?

After sign up you have to wait for some days for approval your account. If your account approved by snapdeal.com,  log in your affiliate account and create affiliate link and put this link to your website or share it in social media. You can create affiliate links for any page from snapdeal.com . Choose any product/page URL and add tracking parameters to this URL. Use this link to advertise and refer traffic to Snapdeal.com

For example, if the URL that you want to promote is http://www.snapdeal.com/products/mobiles-mobile-phones and your affiliate id is xxxx, then your affiliate link for this URL would be “http://www.snapdeal.com/products/mobiles-mobile-phones?utm_source=aff_prog&utm_campaign=afts&offer_id=<Offer_ID>&aff_id=<Your_Affiliate_ID>”

Where do you track your referrals?

You can track the conversions through your links from your affiliate account. Whenever a conversion is made through your referral link, it gets immediately reflected in your affiliate panel. You can get the overview of these conversions on the Dashboard, while their details in the Reports section. For a conversion to be successful, the transaction should be done in a single session.

Enjoy becoming snapdeal.com affiliate partner thank you for reading this article.

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Make money with snapdeal.com affiliation Programme Make money with snapdeal.com affiliation Programme Reviewed by SAAN on सोमवार, अगस्त 17, 2015 Rating: 5
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