
Best Advertising Network | Adsoptimal | for Mobile users | Lafandar.org

Well working with adsense is a decisive journey in career and I got some decent amount of checks from adsense as well but adsense for mobile visitor had not so high RPM . Beside this their strictness to publishers is annoying.Account limits are restricted means you cannot change the payee name as Google Physically verifies the address by sending a post card to you.

If you are currently using adsense you might be making good money but what for the mobile visitors.If you can advertise on mobile then it’s a great platform which will make a handsome amount of money. For example you can advertise an app and when someone installs the app you get paid. So don’t worry how to do all the things here’s a great advertising platform which will do all the work for you.

 Adnetwork Adsoptimal.com 

Adsoptimal (Social Nation Inc) was established in October 2012 and is located in San Francisco, California.

Features of Adsoptimal :-

  1. Free To Join :- Its totally free to join Adsoptimal for publishers.There are no restriction of pageviews  but there is account level status but with good alexa ranking it will not bother you.
  2. Easy to Place Code :- Once your account got approved just login to your account . Now select the size of the ad you want to place on your website and click on generate code. Place it anywhere on your website.
  3. Payment Frequency :- Payment are done according to the level of account for eg ;- If  you had a Gold level account you will got paid with in 15 Days after the month end , and for silver and bronze level account you will be paid after 24 days after the month ends.
  4. Support for publishers :- Gold level account holder will get response within 2 business days , for silver it is 4 , and for bronze level it is 8 days.

    Final Words :- Ads Optimal is a certified company and the support for publisher is good. However its been 3 years long journey of ads optimal and if you apply today for publishers account the chances are you will be got accepted by them easily. Not so they have some bonus like $15 will be in your account if you sign up .
    Best Advertising Network | Adsoptimal | for Mobile users | Lafandar.org Best Advertising Network | Adsoptimal | for Mobile users | Lafandar.org Reviewed by Ankita on गुरुवार, दिसंबर 17, 2015 Rating: 5
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