How to drive more traffic to your Blog/Website ?
No one cares what you are writing on your blog until it is unique or either it is trending.So the best method according to me is to write unique and quality content if you can't do so hire someone to do the same.
Second thing is to consider is the social reach of the post you should al; ways keep in mind where and when to posting a link or content on the social media.At present, there are hundred of blogs fighting for the same readers, as you should do something unique.
Today I want to follow on from that post by sharing five more of the smartest tactics I’ve read recently around the web. None is hard to implement and all could have a significant effect on your traffic, links and shares. So let’s get started!
1. Don't forget to share more than once.
A much better solution is to share each blog post multiple times, depending on the platform, in a timely fashion. For example, you might tweet, Facebook share and Google+ you article as soon as you hit publish. Then a day later you might want to tweet it again. Perhaps the following week it’s time for another Google+ share, and so on.
Some marketers would call this spamming your audience, but I would say it’s more like giving them the value you’ve promised them. Even Rand in his Whiteboard Friday mentions how he will tweet a post he wrote months if not years ago, just to remind people that “this still matters”. No one notices every little thing you do online, and by sharing more than once you’re just making sure no one misses anything.
However, you should definitely make sure not to publish the same message on social media more than once, as this does come across as spammy. Instead, deploy a range of different tactics to catch your reader’s attention. For example, if you wanted to tweet this blog post you could try…
Tweeting the title:
2. Hire bloggers to write for you
This is an excellent method if you really want to engage with the audience and drive the traffic to your blog.By getting these guys and girls involved, you’ll not only be getting exceptional content for your blog (content that will hopefully earn you links and shares); you’ll also be getting access to a powerful distribution channel in the form of the influencer’s social network.
Of course, unless your blog is super prestigious you will probably need to pay these bloggers to write for you, and you should definitely specify as part of the arrangement that they share the posts on social media. That being said, I think this option makes so much more sense than hiring a “general purpose” content creator.
As well as payment, you could also offer bloggers the following perks:
Offer to share content on their own site (but only if you have a large social following)
A link back to their website from every post they write for you
Give them free use of your products or services
Working with influencers is a fantastic way to improve blog readership. A nice bonus is that often these guys write for other big media sites as well, so they may be able to link to something they have written for your blog from a third party site in the future.
A list of world's top 10 bloggers
3. Repurpose your content
In the Hummingbird era, I’m a firm believer in writing fewer longer posts rather than frequent shorter ones. I definitely think this is a better use of one’s time (in terms of getting links, traffic and shares) than blogging daily and simply regurgitating in 600 words what’s already out there.
In the SEO industry, for example, stand out content tends to involve case studies, new experiments, research and opinion pieces (take a look at what I’ve been linking to in this article). But how do you generate traffic while you’re researching your next big piece?
The answer is to repurpose your existing content by transforming blog posts into other content formats. Each of these new pieces could then be uploaded to its own separate channel, where it would be seen by a new audience and help to generate more traffic. For example, you could turn a blog post into:
- a podcast: record yourself reading your post aloud and upload to iTunes
- a screencast: record yourself doing something on-screen, add a voiceover and upload to YouTube
- a slide presentation: create a slide show out of your post and upload to SlideShare
- An ebook: turn a series of posts into an ebook, which is available to download as a PDF for a tweet
It makes perfect sense to want to repurpose your content after all the effort you’ve put into creating it in the first place. Just remember to always add value by making each piece more digestible and easier to understand than its predecessor.
Obviously, there’s no substitute for producing great content (yawn) but I hope this post has shown that there are many other ways to increase blog traffic independent of the content itself.
Most of these tactics are simply about squeezing the most out of what you have already. So in terms of sharing, you can make sure you post more than once and optimise your tweet text. In terms of SEO, you can ensure that you’re Hummingbird-friendly (in a natural and non-spammy way, of course). And in terms of strategy you can make sure that influencers write for you and that you come up with smart ways to repurpose this material.
If you’re currently running a company blog that no one cares about, I hope these tips can help put a smile on your boss’s face. But most of all, I hope you never have to see the tumbleweed or feel that lonely again.
How to drive more traffic to your Blog/Website ?
Reviewed by Ankita
सोमवार, अगस्त 10, 2015